Stepping up our style with CSS


1 min read

Alright guys, here's an update. I just completed module 6, literally minutes ago. We learned a ton load of new things. These were mainly little details we can add in with CSS to take our styles to the next level. Here is a list of some of the things we covered:

  • Line-height
  • Text-transform
  • Letter-spacing
  • Viewport units
  • Background images
  • Gradients
  • Transitions
  • Blending modes
  • Forms
  • Inputs
  • Buttons

This was just under 3 hours of video content, which doesn't include the time it took to actually apply the concepts, I'm feeling a lot more confident about my CSS. I'm glad I have all these neat little tricks to help my sites look much more visually appealing.

The following module is Next-level Javascript. Wish me luck ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.
